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Columnist: Stagiaire Inset

Country: USA
summary: Dark Waters is a movie starring Anne Hathaway, Mark Ruffalo, and Tim Robbins. A corporate defense attorney takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution
Audience score: 3631 Votes
genres: Biography
duration: 2 h 6Minutes
Creators: Nathaniel Rich
Dark waters trailer 4k. Dark waters vladimir chromas. One man risked it all to take on one of the world’s largest corporations and expose the truth. Learn more about his courageous fight in # DarkWaters. On Digital 2/18 On Blu-ray 3/3 Recommended by 269 people Brilliant thriller. Should see. Superb acting by everyone. A must see movie! Highly recommended. Unbelievable unfortunately true story a must see. Excellent acting by all.. a legal thriller The system is rigged. #DarkWaters Inspired by a shocking true story. #DarkWaters opens in NY & LA this Friday, additional cities 11/27. In ONE MONTH, one man will expose the truth. #DarkWaters.

DARK WATERS. o0o. ANOTHER GREAT VIDEO TO SHARE HERE & TWITTER. AND SUBSCRIBED... HERE & TWITTER. THXS. c. Dark Waters (2019, США), IMDb: 7. 6 © Focus Features © Focus Features Дата выхода в России 6 февраля 2020 Тодд Хейнс выступает в жанре обличительной публицистики Режиссер Тодд Хейнс, не раз находивший изъян в американском благополучии («Кэрол», «Вдали от рая»), перешел от рассказа о людях, которые не вписываются в давящую норму, к атаке крупных предприятий. «Темные воды» — основанная на реальных событиях драма, где адвокат Билотт (Марк Руффало), много лет работавший на химический холдинг DuPont, пытается доказать, что его бывшие работодатели уже 20 лет травят людей, спуская в окрестные реки химикаты. Экранизация газетной статьи — довольно популярный в последнее время жанр, которые нередко дает самые невероятные плоды. В худшем же случае получится современная версия «Эрин Брокович». Также в ролях: Расписание сеансов Режиссер фильма «Темные воды» Как вам фильм? Рецензия «Афиши» на фильм 6 У Марка Руффало пригорает В 1998 году в офис к Роберту Билотту (Марк Руффало), корпоративному адвокату в крупной юридической фирме в Огайо, только что повышенному до партнера, приходят два фермера. Один из них (Билл Кэмп) говорит, что он знает бабушку Роберта, сует ему коробку видеокассет и утверждает, что возле его фермы в городке Паркерсбург в соседней Западной Вирджинии химический гигант DuPont устроил свалку токсичных отходов, от которых у него уже перемерли все коровы. Аргумент про бабушку действует, почерневшие коровьи зубы впечатляют, и Билотт, до того зарабатывавший защитой химических компаний, подает иск к DuPont. После этого фильма вы с высокой вероятностью перестанете, вслед за главным героем, пользоваться тефлоновыми скороводками — если не из страха умереть раньше времени (их вроде бы стали делать получше), то из принципа. Поэтому подумайте три раза: кино все-таки не то чтобы великое, а сковородка с антипригарным покрытием — вещь в хозяйстве полезная. Юридическая драма по мотивам статьи в The New York Times Magazine под названием (самую малость спойлерным для начальных титров) «Адвокат, который стал самым страшным кошмаром DuPont» — не совсем то, чего ждешь от эстета и умницы Тодда Хейнса («Бархатная золотая жила», «Меня там нет», «Кэрол»). Но, возможно, времена уже настолько тревожные, что ценность высказывания определяется другими факторами, чем еще десять лет назад. Тема экологии для Хейнса, во всяком случае, не чужая: в его раннем (и, наверное, лучшем) фильме «Убежище» речь тоже шла об отраве, разлитой в воздухе. Там это была метафора, но какая разница: казус с дюпонтовскими химикатами, в конце концов, тоже что‑то символизирует. Например, нашу беспомощность перед корпорациями и перед государством, бессилие маленького человека не только в юридическом, но и в экзистенциальном смысле, когда вдруг возникает какая‑то туманная глобальная угроза, будь то канцерогенная посуда или коронавирус. На Марка Руффало, разумеется, можно было бы с удовольствием смотреть, даже если бы он эти два часа молча ел суп. Руффало, известный активист, собственно, и затеял эту историю, прочтя статью про Билотта. Юрист прекрасно встраивается в галерею его взятых из реальной жизни персонажей, одержимых безнадежным, казалось бы, поиском истины — будь то детектив Тоски в «Зодиаке» или журналист Резендес из «В центре внимания». Билотт, скучный грузный мужчина в костюме, уже в силу профессии максимально далекий от идеализма, по ходу фильма получает не много шансов покрасоваться в сияющих доспехах, но мало кто так убедительно, как Руффало, может сыграть базовую порядочность, в долгосрочной перспективе превращающуюся в героизм. Еще более заслуженный активист Тим Роббинс появляется в роли его доброжелательного начальника: ему, впрочем, из интересного удается разве что разок стукнуть кулаком по столу. Тоже не очень большая, но куда более примечательная роль жены Билотта досталась Энн Хэтэуэй: всякий раз, когда мы ее видим, она рожает очередного ребенка, однако успевает расставить в истории необходимые акценты и элегантно вывернуть наизнанку функцию домохозяйки, поддерживающей деятельного мужа. У Билла Пуллмана совсем коротенький смешной выход в роли одного из адвокатов. Билл Кэмп с накладными брежневскими бровями по-мхатовски основательно играет несчастного фермера. Этот фильм сделан, откровенно говоря, лучше, чем требуется. Фирменная негромкая палитра Хейнса, его лаконичный монтаж, безупречная камера его постоянного соратника Эдварда Лакмана (он же, в данном случае к слову, снимал «Эрин Брокович») кажутся некоторым излишеством на суровом празднике гражданской сознательности. Режиссер не теряет флегматичности даже когда начинает тыкать нам в лицо фотографиями изуродованных младенцев. Что ж, почему бы нет. Особых сюрпризов «Темные воды» не скрывают, но иногда это и хорошо. Почти всегда, если подумать. Лучшие отзывы о фильме «Темные воды» 10 Подобный фильм можно было бы снять о многих городах постсоветского пространства, где были или есть градообразующие предприятия. Только вот концовка, увы, из наших реалий была бы другой. О чем фильм? О титанах индустрии против простых смертных. Все очень просто. Смерть этих смертных титаны ускоряют, делая и так их непростую жизнь еще тяжелее. Тяжелее, прежде всего от неизлечимых либо очень дорого излечимых болезней. Для титанов жизнь живого существа (за исключением, конечно, их собственных отростков) ничего не значит. Мир материального благополучия меньшинства титанов правит бал. Но титаны забывают одну простую вещь, действие порождает противодействие... И пусть это противодействие вначале слабо и одиноко, как маленьких снежок оно вскоре может превратиться в большой снежный ком... Браво Тодду Хейнсу, Марку Руффало и неузнаваемому Тиму Роббинсу, что не побоялись рассказать нам эту историю. 9 Люди и химикаты Адвокат Роберт Билотт, работавший корпоративным юристом химического холдинга DuPont, выступает с обвинением в суде против своей бывшей компании, которая десятилетиями цинично травила людей, загрязняя химикатами питьевую воду. Он ведет это дело 19 лет. Сможет ли он пролить свет на правду? Фильм создан на основе статьи Натаниэля Рича «Юрист, ставший худшим кошмаром компании DuPont» вышедшей в New York Times. Всё начинается с прихода к Биллоту одного разгневанного фермера Уилбура Теннанта с видеокассетами о загрязнении его фермы в небольшом городе Паркерсберг (Западная Вирджиния) - страшная трансформация постигает местных коров (чёрные зубы и гнилые внутренние органы) которых потеряли 190 голов. Вместе с памятью о юности в местных местах, Биллот решает взяться за это, кажется "тяжёлое дело": в ходе расследования присылают десятки коробок с документами. Химический холдинг DuPont - крупнейший работодатель и благотворитель в городе на протяжении десятилетий использовал в производстве "вечный химикат" С8 провоцирующий рак, и другие заболевания - который используется в тефлоне на сковородах, коврах, кухонных приборах и всех повседневных вещах которые окружают людей. "Компании - это люди, так вот, нахрен таких людей! " - говорит начальник Биллота и начинаются многолетние судебные процессы, и многолетние медицинские мониторинги местного населения. Начинается борьба миллиардов долларов против простых, местных работяг. Режиссёр Тодд Хейнс создаёт социально-нравственный и тяжелый фильм с понятной темой и понятными выводами. Это большой, сложный и многослойный фильм "в духе" самых лучших фильмов о "борьбе" журналистов или юристов, с задумчивостью о увиденном, и где Марк Руффало создаёт сильный, драматический образ, а Энн Хэтэуэй прекрасно дополняет его. Любопытно, что одни из персонажей фильма - пожилая пара которая в суде выступает против химического холдинга - реальные люди, которые играют сами себя. Девочка с гнилыми зубами на велосипеде - образ трагический и одновременно простой, а Роберт Билотт тем не менее продолжает своё дело. 9 Отличный фильм! Все 2 часа зал сидел не шевелясь))) Прям таки хорошшш! Рекомендовано к просмотру. Информация от прокатчика Информация предоставлена компанией «Парадиз» Адвокат Роберт Билотт (Марк Руффало), работавший корпоративным юристом химического холдинга DuPont, выступает с обвинением в суде против своей бывшей компании, которая десятилетиями цинично травила людей, загрязняя химикатами питьевую воду. Сможет ли он пролить свет на правду? Кинопремьеры недели: «Хищные птицы: Потрясающая история Харли Квинн», «Офицер и шпион» и «Мальчик русский» 5 ├F3: M02┤, 2020 25 кинопремьер февраля 4 ├F3: M02┤, 2020 Самые ожидаемые фильмы 2020 года 16 ├F3: M01┤, 2020 10 самых ожидаемых экранизаций 2020 года 17 ├F3: M02┤, 2020.

Dark waters movie 2019. From Participant (Spotlight, Green Book), DARK WATERS tells the shocking and heroic story of an attorney ( Mark Ruffalo) who risks his career and family to uncover a dark secret hidden by one of the world’s largest corporations and to bring justice to a community dangerously exposed for decades to deadly chemicals. Corporate environmental defense attorney Rob Bilott (Academy Award®-nominee Mark Ruffalo) has just made partner at his prestigious Cincinnati law firm in large part due to his work defending Big Chem companies. He finds himself conflicted after he’s contacted by two West Virginia farmers who believe that the local DuPont plant is dumping toxic waste in the area landfill that is destroying their fields and killing their cattle. Hoping to learn the truth about just what is happening, Bilott, with help from his supervising partner in the firm, Tom Terp (Academy Award®-winner Tim Robbins), files a complaint that marks the beginning of an epic 15-year fight—one that will not only test his relationship with his wife, Sarah (Academy Award®-winner Anne Hathaway) but also his reputation, his health and his livelihood.

4 nominations. See more awards  » Learn more More Like This Biography | Crime Drama 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 5 / 10 X American security guard Richard Jewell saves thousands of lives from an exploding bomb at the 1996 Olympics, but is vilified by journalists and the press who falsely reported that he was a terrorist. Director: Clint Eastwood Stars: Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, Brandon Stanley Mystery 6. 5 / 10 Consummate con man Roy Courtnay has set his sights on his latest mark: the recently widowed Betty McLeish, worth millions. But this time, what should have been a simple swindle escalates into a cat-and-mouse game with the ultimate stakes. Bill Condon Helen Mirren, Ian McKellen, Russell Tovey 6. 9 / 10 In 1950s New York, a lonely private detective afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome ventures to solve the murder of his mentor and only friend. Edward Norton Edward Norton, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Alec Baldwin World-renowned civil rights defense attorney Bryan Stevenson works to free a wrongly condemned death row prisoner. Destin Daniel Cretton Brie Larson, Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx Romance Sport 7. 7 / 10 Traces the journey of a suburban family - led by a well-intentioned but domineering father - as they navigate love, forgiveness, and coming together in the aftermath of a loss. Trey Edward Shults Taylor Russell, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Alexa Demie 6. 8 / 10 A group of women take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over at the network. Jay Roach Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Margot Robbie Fantasy Horror Years following the events of "The Shining, " a now-adult Dan Torrance must protect a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who prey on children with powers to remain immortal. Mike Flanagan Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran 7. 4 / 10 A young actor's stormy childhood and early adult years as he struggles to reconcile with his father and deal with his mental health. Alma Har'el Shia LaBeouf, Lucas Hedges, Noah Jupe Action 8. 2 / 10 American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles battle corporate interference, the laws of physics and their own personal demons to build a revolutionary race car for Ford and challenge Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966. James Mangold Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Jon Bernthal Sci-Fi 6. 3 / 10 A secluded farm is struck by a strange meteorite which has apocalyptic consequences for the family living there and possibly the world. Richard Stanley Nicolas Cage, Joely Richardson, Madeleine Arthur 7. 6 / 10 The Austrian Franz Jägerstätter, a conscientious objector, refuses to fight for the Nazis in World War II. Terrence Malick August Diehl, Valerie Pachner, Maria Simon History The story of the Battle of Midway, told by the leaders and the sailors who fought it. Roland Emmerich Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson, Woody Harrelson Edit Storyline A corporate defense attorney takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution. Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: The Truth Has a Man on the Inside Details Release Date: 6 December 2019 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $102, 606, 24 November 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $12, 384, 757 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Goofs A nighttime shot of 2015 downtown Cincinnati shows a lit up Ferris wheel. The SkyStar Wheel arrived in Cincinnati in 2018. See more » Quotes Robert Bilott: You're a run of a mill dump, nothing but trash. Edward Wallace: You sound like my first girlfriend. See more » Soundtracks The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Written by Ed Hill (as Edward Monroe Hill), Mark D. Sanders (as Mark Daniel Saunders) and Kim Williams Performed by Reba McEntire Published by Universal Music - Careers, Universal Music Corp, WC Music Corp, Sony/ATV Cross Keys Publishing Courtesy of MCA Nashville under license from Universal Music Enterprises See more ».

Dark waters full movie. Hey! I want you to see a movie about toxic waste and a deadly, manmade chemical that is, right now, inside your body, like a timebomb, and will possibly someday cause you or your loved ones to contract cancer or endocrine disorders!
No, really, it's a good movie. "Dark Waters" had my attention throughout, and it wasn't depressing as one might think. That's because the center of the film is a real hero, Robert Bilott, a high-priced lawyer who sacrificed much of his personal and professional life, and his health, to researching the deadly chemical, DuPont's manipulation of the public, and to getting some financial compensation for victims.
Bilott's own book is titled "Exposure: Poisoned Water, Corporate Greed, and One Lawyer's Twenty-Year Battle against DuPont." That title offers a good plot summary.
Mark Ruffalo stars as Robert Bilott. Wilbur Tennant (Bill Camp) a dairy farmer from Bilott's grandmother's West Virginia hometown, asks Bilott to discover why his cows are dying horrible deaths. Another lawyer might walk away, But Bilott, urged on by Tennant, does research and discovers that DuPont, as part of the manufacture of Teflon pans, produces a chemical that harms and kills humans, that never breaks down, and that is found, now, in the bodies of virtually all living things on earth, including humans.
DuPont knew this but hid the information. Bilott's research uncovered DuPont's own extensive reports that detailed exactly how the chemical damaged human bodies. Bilott is shown meeting with DuPont employees who talk frankly about working on Teflon and giving birth to defective babies and needing to have hysterectomies.
A few of the real people involved in this horror show appear in the film. These include William "Bucky" Bailey who was born with one nostril and a deformed eye. He had over thirty surgeries during his childhood. In a YouTube video, Bucky talks about his fears of fathering his own children. He was told he might pass his deformities on.
I grew up near DuPont sites in New Jersey. Higher rates of cancer are reported there. Four members of my immediate family died from cancer and I've had cancer twice. Even so, I was compelled by and appreciated this movie. Watching the dedication of Robert Bilott and his tireless efforts was refreshing. The script and direction maintain a fast pace and I was never bored. In fact the film is a fascinating glimpse into power, the legal system, the rigors of research, evil, and virtue. I didn't have time to sink into despair.

What I use aluminum foil for heating foods, I line it with parchment paper first. But I am sure someone will say the parchment paper is bad too? I saw Martha Stewart do this. Watching in 2020 and this short is well beyond its years. I love it i would love to see a full length debut and gladly will pay for it. User Score Play Trailer Overview A tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths due to one of the world's largest corporations. In the process, he risks everything — his future, his family, and his own life — to expose the truth. Featured Crew Todd Haynes Director Mario Correa Writer Matthew Michael Carnahan You need to be logged in to continue. Click here to login or here to sign up. Global s focus the search bar p open profile menu esc close an open window? open keyboard shortcut window On media pages b go back (or to parent when applicable) e go to edit page On TV season pages → (right arrow) go to next season ← (left arrow) go to previous season On TV episode pages → (right arrow) go to next episode ← (left arrow) go to previous episode On all image pages a open add image window On all edit pages t open translation selector ctrl + s submit form On discussion pages n create new discussion w toggle watching status p toggle public/private c toggle close/open a open activity r reply to discussion l go to last reply ctrl + enter submit your message → (right arrow) next page ← (left arrow) previous page.

Dark water. Dark waters 2019. Dark waters imdb. What does a naked woman have to do with dogman. O nothing 🙄🙄🙄. The facts are that the victim did not have any lights on, so in the dark it is impossible to see before or after having hit his boat. Also the girl victim was knocked out cold (we know this because she can't remember anything about the few minutes leading up to the accident) and therefore would not have been screaming. this would mean that the other boat could very well have turned around and looked and listened and genuinely not seen or heard anything. then once the girl regained consciousnesses would have started screaming by which time the other guys would have been far away. One of the guys (with immunity) admitted to being drunk and could therefore have admitted to hearing the girl scream had he heard her. but he didn't because he hadn't heard her...

Dark waters near me. Can you share the lionmen of Judah again and those men's stories. Dark waters story. Dark waters vladimir vs soulstealer. Dark waters diana. Dark waters. Dark waters 2020. Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии Другие фильмы с таким же или схожим названием: см. Тёмные воды. Тёмные воды англ.   Dark Waters Жанр драма Режиссёр Тодд Хейнс Продюсер Марк Руффало Кристин Вашон Памела Коффлер Автор сценария Марио Корреа Мэттью Майкл Карнахан В главных ролях Марк Руффало Энн Хэтэуэй Тим Роббинс Билл Кэмп Виктор Гарбер Мэр Уиннингэм Билл Пуллман Оператор Эдвард Лэкмен Композитор Марсело Зарвос Кинокомпания Participant Media Killer Films Focus Features Длительность 126 минут Сборы $11 886 643 [1] Страна США Язык английский Год 2019 IMDb ID 9071322 Официальный сайт «Тёмные воды» ( англ.   Dark Waters) — американский драматический фильм режиссёра Тодда Хейнса по сценарию Марио Корреа и Мэттью Майкла Карнахана. Главные роли в картине исполняют Марк Руффало, Энн Хэтэуэй, Тим Роббинс, Билл Кэмп, Виктор Гарбер, Мэр Уиннингэм и Билл Пуллман. Премьера фильма в США состоялась 22 ноября 2019 года. Выход на экраны в России 6 февраля 2020 года. Сюжет [ править | править код] История корпоративного юриста Роберта Биллота, раскрывшего многолетнюю историю загрязнения окружающей среды химической компанией DuPont. Актёрский состав [ править | править код] Марк Руффало — Роберт Билотт Энн Хэтэуэй — Сара Билотт Тим Роббинс — Том Терп Билл Кэмп ru en — Уилбур Теннант Виктор Гарбер — Фил Доннелли Мэр Уиннингэм — Дарлин Кигер Билл Пуллман — Гарри Дицлер Уильям Джексон Харпер ru en — Джеймс Росс Производство [ править | править код] В сентябре 2018 года было объявлено, что Тодд Хейнс займётся режиссурой фильма, тогда известного под названием «Пробный прогон» ( англ.   Dry Run). Мэттью Майкл Карнахан и Марио Корреа написали сценарий картины на основе статьи Натаниэля Рича «Юрист, ставший худшим кошмаром компании DuPont », вышедшей в New York Times [2] [3]. Марк Руффало, компании Participant Media и Killer Films были объявлены в качестве продюсеров [2]. В ноябре того же года было объявлено, Руффало исполнит главную роль в фильме [4]. В январе 2019 года к актёрскому составу присоединились Энн Хэтэуй, Тим Роббинс, Билл Кэмп, Виктор Гарбер, Мэр Уиннингэм, Уильям Джексон Харпер и Билл Пуллман [5]. Съёмки фильма проходили с января по март 2019 года в Цинциннати, Огайо [6] [7]. Релиз [ править | править код] Фильм был выпущен в ограниченном прокате на территории США 22 ноября 2019 года [8] [3]. Принятие [ править | править код] Отзывы критиков [ править | править код] Фильм получил положительные отзывы критиков. На интернет-агрегаторе Rotten Tomatoes он имеет рейтинг 90% на основе 140 рецензий [9]. Metacritic дал фильму 73 балла из 100 возможных на основе 34 рецензий, что соответствует статусу «преимущественно положительные отзывы» [10]. Награды и номинации [ править | править код] Премия Категория Номинант(-ы) Результат 2020 « Спутник » Лучшая мужская роль в драматическом фильме Марк Руффало Номинация Лучший адаптированный сценарий Марио Корреа, Мэттью Майкл Карнахан Общество кинокритиков Гавайев Премия «USC Scripter» Лучший адаптированный сценарий в кино Примечания [ править | править код] ↑ Dark Waters   (англ. ). Box Office Mojo. ↑ 1 2 Kroll, Justin. Todd Haynes to Direct Drama ‘Dry Run’ (EXCLUSIVE)   (англ. ), Variety  (21 сентября 2018). ↑ 1 2 Thompson, Anne. Todd Haynes Dark Waters Starring Mark Ruffalo Lands Oscar Release Date   (англ. ), IndieWire  (26 августа 2019). ↑ Wiseman, Andreas. Mark Ruffalo To Star In Participant Media’s Todd Haynes Pic About DuPont Pollution Scandal   (англ. ), Deadline  (8 ноября 2018). ↑ Vlessing, Etan. Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins Join Mark Ruffalo in DuPont Lawsuit Movie   (англ. ), The Hollywood Reporter  (9 января 2019). ↑ Brookbank, Sarah. 'Dry Run, ' starring Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway, starts filming   (англ. ), Cincinnati Enquirer  (14 января 2019). ↑ Rutledge, Mike. Anne Hathaway, Mark Ruffalo movie to shoot in Cincinnati   (англ. ), Journal-News  (10 января 2019). ↑ D'Alessandro, Anthony. Todd Haynes’ ‘Dark Waters’ Will Start To Bubble In Late Fall   (англ. ), Deadline  (26 августа 2019). ↑ Dark Waters (2019)   (англ. ), Rotten Tomatoes. ↑ Dark Waters Reviews   (англ. ), Metacritic. Ссылки [ править | править код]

Dark Waters Theatrical release poster Directed by Todd Haynes Produced by Mark Ruffalo Christine Vachon Pamela Koffler Screenplay by Mario Correa Matthew Michael Carnahan Based on "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare" by Nathaniel Rich Starring Anne Hathaway Tim Robbins Bill Camp Victor Garber Mare Winningham Bill Pullman Music by Marcelo Zarvos Cinematography Edward Lachman Edited by Affonso Gonçalves Production companies Participant Killer Films Distributed by Focus Features Release date November 22, 2019 (United States) Running time 126 minutes [1] Country United States Language English Box office $11. 8 million [2] Dark Waters is a 2019 American legal thriller film directed by Todd Haynes and written by Mario Correa and Matthew Michael Carnahan. It is based on the 2016 article "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont 's Worst Nightmare" by Nathaniel Rich, published in The New York Times Magazine. [3] [4] Parts of the story were also reported by Mariah Blake, whose 2015 article "Welcome to Beautiful Parkersburg, West Virginia" was a National Magazine Award finalist, [5] and Sharon Lerner, whose series "Bad Chemistry" ran in The Intercept. [6] [7] Robert Bilott, the principal character in the film, also wrote a memoir, Exposure, [8] detailing his 20-year legal battle against DuPont. [9] The film stars Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins, Bill Camp, Victor Garber, Mare Winningham, William Jackson Harper, and Bill Pullman. Dark Waters was theatrically released in a limited capacity on November 22, 2019, by Focus Features, and went wide on December 6, 2019. The film received positive reviews from critics and has grossed $11 million. Plot synopsis [ edit] Robert Bilott ( Mark Ruffalo), a corporate lawyer from Cincinnati, Ohio working for law firm Taft, Stettinus & Hollister is visited by farmer Wilbur Tennant. Tennant asks that Robert link a number of unexplained deaths in Parkersburg, West Virginia to one of the world's largest corporations, DuPont, and gives Robert a large case of videotapes which Robert puts aside. While Robert is actually a corporate defense lawyer and he helps chemical companies pollute without breaking the law, he still visits the Tennants' farm as a gesture of respect and kindness, especially since his grandmother still lives in Parkersburg. When he reaches the farm, Tennant reveals that over the past couple of years, he has lost over 190 cows to strange medical conditions such as bloated organs, black teeth, and huge tumors. At the farm, Robert witnesses the problem first hand when Tennant is forced to put down a tumor-covered cow. Even though he is a defense lawyer who is on very good terms with executives at DuPont, he broaches the subject with DuPont attorney Phil Donnelly (Victor Garber), who politely tells him he is not aware of the specifics but will help out in any way he can. Robert files a small suit so he can gain information through legal discovery of the chemicals that have been dumped on the site. He does not find anything useful, then realizes it is possible that whatever poisoned Tennant's cattle could be something that is not even regulated by the EPA, and so is not listed by the EPA report that he has inquired into. With Tom Terp's reluctant agreement, Robert forces DuPont to turn over all of its information, resulting in angry words between Phil and Robert. In an attempt to hide the truth, DuPont sends Robert hundreds of boxes, hoping to bury the evidence, but Robert goes through the evidence meticulously and finds numerous references to PFOA, a chemical with no references in any medical textbook. Later, in the middle of the night, Robert's pregnant wife Sarah (Anne Hathaway) finds him tearing the carpet off the floors and going through their pans. He tells her they are being poisoned, and she thinks he has gone mad, until he explains what he has found deep in the DuPont documents: perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA-C8) is a man-made chemical also known as Teflon. It was created for army tanks, but then used by companies in American homes for primarily nonstick pans. DuPont has been running tests of the effect of it for decades, including on animals and on their own employees. Their own studies show that it caused cancer in animals, people, and birth defects in babies of women working on their line – and they never said a thing. They then dumped hundreds of gallons of toxic sludge upriver from Tennant's farm. Even worse, PFOA and similar compounds are forever chemicals, chemicals that do not leave the blood stream and slowly accumulate over time. Teflon is used in everything from nonstick pans to plastics, and it's likely that every American on the planet has PFOA in his/her bloodstream. Tennant, meanwhile, has been shunned by the entire local community for suing their biggest employer. His house is broken into, and he gets sicker. Robert goes to him with the evidence and tells Tennant to take the settlement DuPont is offering, but Tennant refuses, wanting justice and not wanting to stay silent. He tells Robert he and his wife both have cancer. Robert feels guilty, and so while he gets Wilbur Tennant the settlement, he also writes a brief with all the DuPont evidence and sends it to the EPA and Department of Justice, among others. The EPA fines DuPont $16. 5 million. Robert, however, is not satisfied; he realizes that the residents of Parkersburg will feel the effects of DuPont's PFOA for the rest of their lives. He decides to seek medical monitoring for all residents of Parkersburg in one big class-action suit. However, a call from a local resident, the Kigers, reveals that DuPont sent a letter notifying residents of the presence of PFOA, thus starting the statute of limitations and giving any further action only a month to begin. Since PFOA is not regulated, they argue that DuPont is liable because the amount in the water was higher than the one part per billion their internal documents argued to be safe. In court, DuPont claims they did a new study that says that 150 parts per billion is safe. Robert is aghast, and the locals begin protesting DuPont and the story becomes national news. DuPont agrees to settle for $70 million. Legally, they are only required to do medical monitoring if scientists prove that PFOA causes the ailments, so an independent scientific review is set up to study the effects of PFOA. If they find in favor, DuPont will have to pay up. In order to get data for it, the firm tells the locals they can get their settlement money after donating blood, and nearly 70, 000 people donate to the study. Over 7 years pass with no result from the study. Tennant passes away, the Kiger family are harassed locally, and Robert faces extreme financial strain, having worked the entire case on the promise of the settlement and continuing to work on it, having to pay scientific experts. He has taken pay cut upon pay cut at the firm, and things are tense with Sarah. When Tom tells him he needs to take another pay cut, Robert collapses, shaking. At the hospitals, the doctors tell Sarah he had an ischemia, or minor stroke, and that he needs to get on new medication and stop dealing with so much stress. Sarah tells Tom to stop making Robert feel like a failure, since he is doing something for people who needed help. Finally, the scientific review contacts Robert and tells him that PFOA causes multiple cancers and other diseases. At dinner with his family, Robert is informed that DuPont is reneging on the entire agreement. He is angry, saying Tennant told him that there would not be any justice and he did not believe him. So Robert decides to take each defendant's case to DuPont, one at a time. The post-credits information explains that Robert won his first three multi-million dollar settlements against DuPont, and finally DuPont settles the class action for $671 million. PFOA is still in the blood of ninety-nine percent of life on Earth, and thousands of chemicals are still unregulated. Cast [ edit] Production [ edit] On September 21, 2018, it was announced that Todd Haynes would direct the film, then titled Dry Run, from a script by Matthew Michael Carnahan, which would be produced by Participant Media along with Mark Ruffalo. [10] In November 2018, Ruffalo was officially set to star in the film. [11] In January 2019, Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins, Bill Camp, Victor Garber, Mare Winningham, William Jackson Harper, and Bill Pullman joined the cast of the film, with Christine Vachon and Pamela Koffler producing under their Killer Films banner. [12] Principal photography began on January 14, 2019, in Cincinnati, Ohio. [12] [13] Release [ edit] The film was released in limited theatres on November 22, 2019, before going wide on December 6, 2019. [14] Reception [ edit] Scientific accuracy [ edit] In movie Teflon and PFOA-C8 or C8 are used as synonyms, but they are not the same. Teflon or PTFE is polymer of just F(CF₂)ₙF, but Perfluorooctanoic acid, PFOA-C8 or C8 is F(CF₂)₇COOH. Because of differences, their toxicity is different. Teflon is chemically very inert until it starts melt and decomposes into other chemicals [15]. PFOA, similarly to other perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS), is toxic [16]. Box office [ edit] In its opening weekend the film made $102, 656 from four theaters, a per-venue average of $25, 651. [14] It expanded to 94 theaters the following weekend, making $630, 000. [17] The film went wide in its third weekend of release, making $4. 1 million from 2, 012 theaters, and then made $1. 9 million in its fourth weekend. [18] [19] Critical response [ edit] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 91% based on 129 reviews, with an average rating of 7. 28/10. The website's critics consensus reads: " Dark Waters powerfully relays a real-life tale of infuriating malfeasance, honoring the victims and laying blame squarely at the feet of the perpetrators. " [20] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 73 out of 100, based on 33 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". [21] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A–" on an A+ to F scale, while those at PostTrak gave it an average 3. 5 out of 5 stars, with 60% saying they would definitely recommend it to a friend. [18] Economic response [ edit] The DowDuPont breakup earlier in the year spun off a new DuPont company that continued to lose value throughout the second half of 2019 as investors grew concerned about the potential liabilities related to the old DuPont's fluoropolymer products. When Dark Waters was released on November 12, DuPont's stock price dropped even further by 7. 15 points from 72. 18 to 65. 03. While the portfolio is now a part of Chemours and the companies settled the public health lawsuits referenced in the film, Chemours sued DuPont, alleging that the former parent company saddled it with onerous liabilities when it failed to prepare financial projections in good faith. Chemours estimated that it would need to pay over $200 million to address environmental damages in North Carolina caused by another PFAS manufacturing facility in that region. (The prior settlement in both West Virginia and Ohio cost $671 million, which was split between the two companies. ) [22] DuPont CEO Mark Doyle, executives, and investors argued in internal statements that much of the movie was not based in fact and DuPont was misconstrued to fit the role of the enemy. According to Doyle, limited public statements were made because “in a situation like this, it just doesn’t do you much good to fight it out in the public eye. That would just drive more and more attention to it. ” Executive chairman Ed Breen wouldn’t comment on whether DuPont would take legal action in response to the movie, but he did tell investors, “Obviously, we have a lot of legal folks [that] have been looking at this. " [23] Many of the executives with whom this movie draws fault still work, or recently worked at DuPont. 3M saw little to no change in its stock price the day of the film's release, but it was already experiencing a "difficult year" from "potential liabilities due to possible litigation over previous production of PFAS. " [24] 3M's stock price closed at 256. 01 on January 28, 2018, and by December 1, 2019, it had fallen to 168. 27. [25] Accolades [ edit] See also [ edit] Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8) Perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) Timeline of events related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) References [ edit] ^ "Dark Waters". AMC Theatres. Retrieved November 3, 2019. ^ "Dark Waters (2019)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved January 17, 2019. ^ Rich, Nathaniel (January 6, 2016). "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare". The New York Times Magazine. ISSN   0362-4331. Retrieved November 5, 2019. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (January 9, 2019). "Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins, More Join Mark Ruffalo In Todd Haynes-Participant Drama About DuPont Pollution Scandal". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved November 5, 2019. ^ Steigrad, Alexandra (January 14, 2016). "American Society of Magazine Editors Unveils Finalists for 2016 National Magazine Awards". WWD. Retrieved November 18, 2019. ^ Lerner, Sharon (October 24, 2019). "Bad Chemistry". The Intercept. Retrieved November 18, 2019. ^ Lerner, Sharon (August 11, 2015). "The Teflon Toxin: DuPont and the Chemistry of Deception". Retrieved November 18, 2019. ^ Bilott, Robert (2019). Exposure: poisoned water, corporate greed, and one lawyer's twenty-year battle against DuPont. New York: Atria Books – via The Internet Archive. ^ "Lawyer who took on DuPont has book coming out". Associated Press. July 10, 2019. Retrieved March 2, 2019. ^ N'Duka, Amanda (September 21, 2018). " ' Carol' Helmer Todd Haynes To Direct 'Dry Run' Drama For Participant Media". Retrieved September 22, 2018. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (November 9, 2018). "Mark Ruffalo To Star In Participant Media's Todd Haynes Pic About DuPont Pollution Scandal". Retrieved November 15, 2019. ^ a b Wiseman, Andreas (January 9, 2019). Retrieved January 9, 2019. ^ "Shooting for film starring Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway begins in Hamilton Monday".. January 11, 2019. Retrieved January 11, 2019. ^ a b Brueggemann, Tom (November 27, 2019). " ' Dark Waters' Leads Tepid Arthouse Openers at Crowded Box Office". Indiewire. ^ Do Teflon and PFOA cause cancer? ^ Ballesteros, Virginia; Costa, Olga; Iñiguez, Carmen; Fletcher, Tony; Ballester, Ferran; Lopez-Espinosa, Maria-Jose (1 February 2017). "Exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and thyroid function in pregnant women and children: A systematic review of epidemiologic studies". Environment International. 99: 15–28. doi: 10. 1016/. ISSN   0160-4120. Retrieved 1 February 2020. ^ Brueggemann, Tom (December 1, 2019). " ' Harriet, ' 'Jojo Rabbit, ' and 'Parasite' Reap Holiday Box Office Bounty". IndieWire. Retrieved December 1, 2019. ^ a b D'Alessandro, Anthony (December 8, 2019). " ' Frozen 2' Leads Dreary December Weekend With $34M+, 'Playmobil' Plunges To $670K – Sunday Update". Retrieved December 8, 2019. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (December 15, 2019). " ' Jumanji: The Next Level' Advancing To $51M+ Opening; 'Richard Jewell' & 'Black Christmas' Earn Lumps Of Coal". Retrieved December 20, 2019. ^ "Dark Waters (2019)". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved December 29, 2019. ^ "Dark Waters Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved December 29, 2019. ^ "Here's Why DuPont Fell 40. 5% in 2019".. Retrieved January 24, 2020. ^ "DuPont execs react to villain role in 'Dark Waters' film".. November 1, 2019. Retrieved January 24, 2020. ^ "Is 3M Stock a Buy for 2020? The industrial giant had a very difficult 2019, but is it set for a turnaround in the coming year? ".. December 18, 2019. Retrieved January 24, 2020. ^ "News & Analysis: 3M".. Retrieved January 24, 2020. ^ "24th Satellite Awards nominations".. International Press Academy. Retrieved January 8, 2020. External links [ edit] Official website Dark Waters on IMDb.
How many adverts! 16 😂.
I love this stuff.
Dark waters trailer.
I saw this movie. its an eye opener.

Dark water damage. Dark waters movie near me. Dark waters murder in the deep. I feel like Countdown is basically Final Destination/One Missed Call/Friend Request/Wish Upon/every teen horror in the past 5 years. Dark waters cleveland. Dark waters video. Dark waters release date. Y'know, y'know, too many y'knows, any relation to Jody Cook. I watched the movie today, it's worth to watch really good😃. Dark waters vvilderness. Dark waters showtimes near me. Dark waters vladimir. What Exactly Am I Getting for my $4. 99 Weekly Uploads Of Exclusive High Quality Stories like: Killing Bigfoot Expedition Alaska Los Alados " The Winged One" Siege of Lockett Ranch With your subscription, you will have access to full production stories similar to the ones listed. You will also have access to premier interviews with authors and members of the Paranormal Community. Additionally, you will gain access to exclusive supplementary story information including drawings, images, and photos submitted by listeners such as yourself. You will also have access to Dark Waters' monthly Private Round Table where paranormal truth is discussed like no where else in the world. These discussions will encompass articles and research about some of the most popular topics in the paranormal world.

Dark waters jeremy wade. Dark waters dupont. Dark watershed. Dark waters afdah. Dark water quality. Dark waters netflix. I just leaned that this is supposed to be a “single shot” film! More excited than ever for this now. Dark watersports. Dark waters movie true story. Knight hunter = Henry cavil (superman) Can you keep a secret = another Superman Dadario is a Superman magnet. Accompany Malfurion to Elune'ara to reveal the nature of the Remnant of Chaos. Accompany Malfurion to Lake Elune'ara Description Come with me to the edge of Elune'ara. Its crystal waters can wash away even the darkest shroud to reveal the truth within. Completion Rewards You will receive: Reins of the Grove Warden Gains Upon completion of this quest you will gain: 500 reputation with Cenarion Circle Guides Archimonde (Hellfire Citadel) Strategy Guide Gearing Up for the 6. 2. 3 Grove Warden Mount and Heroic Archimonde Related.

Dark waters movie trailer. Dark waters book.

Oh my goodness that was terrifying

Dark waters movie. Oh shit Ive been working for chemours the entire DuPont company changed its name to chemours. Dark water resources. Dark waters. Dark waters movie review. Dark waters diana skin. Dark waters film. Dark waters (2019. I'm protesting all Dupont. Will not purchase their items. Премьера (мир): 2019-11-22 Премьера (РФ): 2020-02-06 Сборы в мире: $11 516 386 Рейтинг: HD   8. 9   votes: (99), КП   7. 4   votes: ( 1 923), IMDb   7. 6   votes: ( 11 527) Рейтинг MPAA: PG-13 (Детям до 13 лет просмотр не желателен) Время: 126 мин. Адвокат Роберт Билотт, работавший корпоративным юристом химического холдинга DuPont, выступает с обвинением в суде против своей бывшей компании, которая десятилетиями цинично травила людей, загрязняя химикатами питьевую воду. Он ведет это дело 19 лет. Сможет ли он пролить свет на правду?

So proud of this movie! Thank you making this information knowledgeable to the public! We can make a change. This is a seed planted in the right type of soil. Dark waters trailer reaction. Dark waters jeremy wade 8. Dark waters movie 2019 movie. I think the ball went in and they won the game. he's smiling 2:05. Critics Consensus Dark Waters powerfully relays a real-life tale of infuriating malfeasance, honoring the victims and laying blame squarely at the feet of the perpetrators. 89% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 144 95% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 2, 629 Dark Waters Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. Dark Waters Videos Photos Movie Info Inspired by a shocking true story, a tenacious attorney (Mark Ruffalo) uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths due to one of the world's largest corporations. In the process, he risks everything -- his future, his family, and his own life -- to expose the truth. Rating: PG-13 (for thematic content, some disturbing images and strong language) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Dec 6, 2019 wide Runtime: 126 minutes Studio: Focus Features Cast News & Interviews for Dark Waters Critic Reviews for Dark Waters Audience Reviews for Dark Waters Dark Waters Quotes News & Features.

Dark waters vladimir chroma. They just play with my feelings. I thought it was true 😢. OMG! I'M IN LOVE WITH THAT BOOK! AND NOW THERE'S A MOVIE WITH MY FAVORITE ACTORS! 0. Dark waters olga.


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Dark Waters
4.2 stars - hasigveni1972

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